A Rescuer's poem

I am an Animal Rescuer
My job is to assist God's creatures
I was born with the drive to fulfill their needs
I take in helpless, unwanted, homeless creatures without planning or selection
I have bought cat food with my last dime
I have patted a matted and dirty cat with my bare hand
I have hugged someone feral and afraid
I have fallen in love a thousand times
And I have cried into the fur of a lifeless body too many times to count
I have animal friends and friends who have animal friends
I don't often use the word "pet"
I notice those lost at the road side
And my heart aches
I will hand raise a field mouse
And make friends with a vulture
I know of no creature unworthy of my time
I want to live forever if there aren't any animals in Heaven
But I believe there are
Why would God make something so perfect and leave it behind
Some may think we are master of the animals
But the animals have mastered themselves
Something people still haven't learned
War and abuse make me hurt for the world
But a rescue that makes the news gives me hope for mankind
We are a quiet but determined army
And we are making a difference every day
There is nothing more necessary than warming an orphan
Nothing more rewarding than saving a life
No higher recognition than watching them thrive
There is no greater joy than seeing a baby play
who only days ago, was too weak to eat
By the love of those who I've been privileged to rescue
I have been rescued
I know what true unconditional love really is
for I've seen it shining in the eyes of so many
Grateful for so little
I am an Animal Rescuer
My work is never done
My home is never quiet
My wallet is always empty
But my heart is always full
------Author Unknown

some of my zoobabies

some of my zoobabies

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Today has been a good day

I finally got my wardrobe from Ikea built!!!

I bought it awhile ago when I went to buy a chaise for my mom's room so I could sleep nights with or just spend time with her. I found everything on sale, including the Wardrobe. It is called Kullen and it is such a relief to finally have more closet space without being a built in. It was regular $200.00 but I found it for $50.00 in the as is section. A friend of mine was helping me build it awhile ago but we made a mistake and had to undo everything. She left shortly after and did not offer to return. I guess she was embarrassed. I really don't know. Anyway I had almost given up hope that it would be built. Normally I can do these things myself, since I built an armoir for the kitchen several years ago and some bookcases and a TV stand since then. But I have just been too tired and busy taking care of my mom. Then another friend recommended the brother of someone we know. They also do cat rescue. He's known to do good work and helps those of us in need. Anyway, he came this morning and left just before 3pm and he did a terrific job. I am so happy and excited to finally have this wardrobe. The $83.00 I paid him to build it was more than worth it. Tomorrow I am planning to get some wallpaper to line the shelves and the back and then I will begin filling it.

The next good thing that happened today was my mom coming home. The Doctor said she was doing much better and could come home. After my friend left, I proceeded to make dinner for tonight, it is the second night of Passover, took a shower and then went to pick up my mom from the hospital with my Brother.

Tomorrow is shopping day and need to get the house and back and front yard ready for when my uncle and his friend come from Spain on Friday.

Meow for now.....

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