I was at the vets today. Had to take my poor Chelsea to be put to sleep. I knew she was really sick and hoped it was her teeth or a upper respiratory but sadly my Chelsea had mammary and oral cancer. She was feral. She would not allow me to get close. I had hoped she and her children would come around but unfortunately they remained feral. Zeus her son is semi feral, as he will not let me touch him but he no longer runs away from me in fear like he used to. He does not always keep his distance but his momma never came around. She was 7 years old at the time that I rescued her. She, her daughter Velvet and her son Zeus, were living in the ravine behind a house a few streets over from me. The Lady who owned the house with her husband, was dying of cancer and could no longer take care of them. A friend of mine and I went over there for a few nights until we had successfully trapped all and took them to be spayed and neutered. Unfortunately,some females who are spayed late in life, having gone through many heat cycles before being spayed, can develop mammary cancer. Her tumour was quite large and it must have caused her alot of pain. I just wish she had not been feral and I was able to notice she was sick earlier. But Chelsea was 11 years old, she had 4 years with me and my zoo, alot longer than she would have lasted outdoors. It just saddens me every time I lose one. Especially when I never really got a chance to know her and named her after one of my favourite Bon Jovi songs, Midnight in Chelsea.
R.I.P. my sweet Chelsea. You are on the wings of angels now. I will never forget you.